Many people at Savannah Retirement Homes enjoy playing Mexican Train Dominoes. Some folks find enjoyment in this game through being able to chat with their friends. For these folks, the game is secondary to the company. However, other people are interested in the game out of a thirst for winning. If you happen to be one of these people, check out these tips and tricks for Mexican Train Dominoes.
Keep Your Train Private
Always strive to keep your train private. If you are playing to win, why would you want to give your opponents another place to put their dominoes? If your train goes public, you’ve given your opponents a leg up in the game. Only let your train go public if you truly have no other options.
Play On Your Own Private Train First
If you have different places you can place a domino, opt for your own private train first. Public trains are public because their owners have run out of options. These lack of options are good for you and bad for them. You don’t want to free up an opponent’s train for him or her.
Keep Public Trains The Same
Feel free to play on a public train if your domino will change the end of the train back to the number that caused the train to go public. This will probably keep the train public for the owner, and that gives you an advantage. Remember, you always want public trains to stay the same.
Use Doubles To Your Advantage
As the game draws to a close, consider using your doubles strategically. By placing a double, you are limiting the number of dominoes that can continue the train. Since players are low on dominoes near the end of the game, this makes it hard for other players to finish that particular train. In other words, hold those double dominoes until the end! That is the point of the game where they can be played defensively.
Chat It Up
People love to play Mexican Train Dominoes for the social factor. This means you should give people a reason to talk! If you are busy chatting it up with other players, they may miss out on some key plays. This will work to your advantage in the long run!
Play Mexican Train at our Savannah Retirement Homes
Use these tips and tricks to win your next game of Mexican Train Dominoes. You just might become the champion of Savannah Retirement Homes!