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Free Webinar Option 2: Your Life Without Limits

Please join us!

Today, taking every precaution recommended by healthcare professionals is an absolute must if we are to stay well physically — but what about our social, emotional, and intellectual well-being during these unusual times.

Join Positive Living and Aging Well advocate Andrew Morgan, as he shares simple research-based choices you can make to increase your joy and happiness while improving your sense of overall health and well-being.

You will learn:

  • How our perceptions of aging impact our sense of well-being more today than ever
  • How practicing positivity can lead to a greater sense of control over well-being
  • How to move forward when standing still seems to be the only option available
  • How to reduce uncertainty and increase confidence
  • How to maintain social distancing without experiencing social isolation
  • And more

This webinar is offered on the following dates:
August 25, 2020 from 2PM – 3:30PM EDT
August 26, 2020 from 2PM – 3:30PM EDT

Reserve your spot today!


August 26, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm